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„Understanding the fundamental design principles of the
human voice based on the coordination of the voice as a
total system is the necessary foundation upon which
specifc vocal technique should be based on.“

„Your Body, Your Voice“ Theodore Dimon

BODYWORK as a supplement to vocal coaching leads to a deeper understanding of the body and promotes the coordination of the complex instrument voice. Discover yoga and other body-mind practices as a holistic way to:
● Deepen body awareness
● Health prevention
● Development of an artistic identity

BREATH as an important source of support. Discover different breathing techniques as a supplement to integral voice education to strengthen physical and mental health:
● Yogasana (Halsmuskulatur: Scaleni, Schultermuskulatur)
● Breath techniques: Ujjayi-Atmung, Nadi Shodhana, Bhramari
● Learn to regulate stress and emotions

BREATH as an important source of support. Discover different breathing techniques as a supplement to integral voice education to strengthen physical and mental health:
● Yogasana (Halsmuskulatur: Scaleni, Schultermuskulatur)
● Breath techniques: Ujjayi-Atmung, Nadi Shodhana, Bhramari
● Learn to regulate stress and emotions

EFFORTLESS VOICE PRODUCTION through the holistic use of the body as a whole. Discover the full potential of your voice and explore your authentic voice quality.

„In short, the controlled exhaltaion gives us a reeducational procedure for
preventing the holding of the breath and the shortening that interfere with the
free movement of the ribs and diaphragm, and therefore enables us to achieve
a freer fow of breath.“

„Your Body, Your Voice“ Theodore Dimon


How important is the body for your work? Did that change with more experience and
confdence as an artist?
„Interesting question and yes, I would say that the more i dug deeper into singing the more I
needed to know about my Body, how it acts and reacts in different situations and how to get
control over phenomens that appear in my body while singing.
The Body is not excludable from the artistic work and i realized how much potential can be
developed through body works (awareness, mind fullness,etc)“ Annette Gießriegl

Are you practicing yoga, meditation, Alexander technique or another mind-body practice?
In which way is it benefcial for your vocal craft, creativity and performance or
„Dance classes and running, on and off. Yoga always, since 2015 . It keeps my body alignment and
helps with breath control, making space for the voice to be used to its fullness, with all muscle
groups working well together (along with vocalizing and specifc vocal technique work). It also
brings awareness of space and how I am moving in it.“ Livia Nestrovsky

Which aspects (postures, breathing, relaxation) where most benifcial for you?
„Breathing into tention of the back, reinforcing of the back and posture muscles. It allows for a
more healthy and natural posture which doesn't actively have to be forced but which becomes an
automatic body response.“